HealthStatus, LLC was formed in 1998 as closely held company with the purpose of bringing quality Internet based health risk assessments and calculators to market. Our first health risk assessment went online in late December of 1998 along with three interactive calculators at our consumer site In the spring of 1999 a cardiac assessment was introduced, followed closely by a diabetes and fitness assessments.
Do you need Branded Health Risk Assessment software – (a HRA) for your Internet or Intranet website? Do you need to track the assessments by group? Do you want to run intervention programs based on the risks of your group to provide the greatest ROI in the shortest amount of time?
If you answerered yes to any of these questions, you need to add HealthStatus Health Risk Assessment software to your site. If you are in the health management industry, you need to know which programs will generate a quick ROI and have reports for management that will make them understand what health issues they are facing. If you run a health portal or a fitness site you know that static information and a few news feeds do not get users returning to your site on a regular basis. Your site has to provide information specific to the user that is informative, educational and entertaining.
Aggregate Reporting
Branding Options
Multiple Population Groups
Imperial or Metric
Multiple Languages Available
SInle Sign-on Options

Increase Traffic To Your Website
If you are a consumer and looking for a professional to provide you information, guidance and motivation to meet your health goals, then you are in the right place. Enter your details into this quick form and we will help you find your perfect wellness provider among our always growing list of HealthPush Health Ambassadors.
Our Blog
well·ness [wel-nis] noun 1. the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort. 2. an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases. Origin: well1 (def 13) + -ness Medical Dictionary wellness well·ness (wěl’nĭs) n. …